QUALITY: “Quality is not an act. It is a habit.”-
Aristotle. Gravin (1988) comprised quality to the following six stages:
(1) Transcendent: Quality cannot be defined, and can be
recognized only when the product is used, or the service is expired.
(2) Product-based: Quality can be judged by the presence
or absence of particular characteristics of the product itself. If they are
present, quality can be said to be present.
(3) Manufacturing-based: This
concept states that quality exists if the product meets original
specifications. A failure to meet the standards completely represents a lack of
(4) User-based: The next stage
recognized customer’s wants, expectations, needs & requirements and that
they had to be met. Until the customer was completely satisfied, quality did
not exist.
(5) Value-based: The current
thinking is that there is a quality/cost trade-off. The concept extends beyond
that, and
Includes a philosophy and a system approach to QM.
In a word, Quality is the totality of features and characteristics of a
product or service that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs.
Quality is perceived as consisting of following eight dimensions:
Performance: What a customer expects it to do.
Features: Desirable characteristics.
Reliability: Not malfunction or break down.
Conformance: Meet specified standards.
Durability: Have a long life.
Serviceability: Easy and cheap to repair.
Aesthetics: Look good.
Perceived quality: Value in the eyes of the customer.
TQM is a
strategic commitment by top management of an organization for changing its
total approach to business and to make quality a guiding factor in everything
the organization does. It is not a tool or technique but a philosophy for
management that is characterized by 3 principles: Customer focus and
satisfaction, Continuous improvement and Teamwork.
TQM tools and techniques
Beyond the strategic context of quality, managers can also
rely on several specific tools and techniques for improving quality. Some are
introduced here:
(1) American Society for Quality Control
(ASQC) is the organization that officially represents those working in the
area of quality management in Canada
and US.
(2) Benchmarking is the
process of continually comparing an organization’s processes with other
institutions that are deemed to be best-in-class.
(3) Continuous improvement
is an ongoing commitment to improve product and/or service quality by
constantly assessing and adjusting the processes and procedures used to make
those products or deliver those services.
(4) Cost of quality is an
idea popularized by Philip B. Crosby in his books Quality is Free. The Art of Making Quality Certain (1979) and
Quality Without Tears. The Art of Hassle-free Management (1984).
Crosby ’s idea is that lack of quality costs;
quality saves the company money.
(5) Outsourcing is the
process of subcontracting services and operations to other firms that can do
them cheaper and /or better. If a business performs each and every one of its
own administrative and business services and operations, it is almost certain
to be doing at least some of them in an inefficient and/or low-quality manner.
If those areas can be identified and outsourced, the firm will save money and
realize a higher-quality service or operation. Example- Eastman Kodak handled
all its own computing operations.
(6) Deming Prize is an award
given in Japan
to organizations that is somewhat equivalent to the Baldrige Awards. A large
proportion of winners have produced innovations that combine statistical and
engineering methods and improve cost and quality through product and process
optimization redesign.
(7) ISO-9001
refers to a set of quality standards created by the International Organization
for Standardization. The technical committee of ISO outlined 20 guidelines (and
the subsections that accompany these) that set the foundation for generic ISO 9001 standards.
(8) Speed is the time
needed by the organization to get something accomplished and it can be
emphasized in any area, including developing, making and distributing products
or services. A good illustration of the power of speed comes from General
(9) Employee Involvement
is the participation of all employees, usually in teams, as problem solvers and
solution implementers, in the improvement of quality within the workplace. The
term had its beginning with the Ford Motor Company. Many organizations employ
an outside consultant to assist them with the facilitation and training
(10) Malcolm Baldrige National
Quality Award is a set of awards established in 1987 by the US
Government to honor Malcolm Baldrige following his death in a plane crash. The
award was established to honor ‘companies for their achievements in quality and
business performance and to raise awareness about the importance of quality and
performance excellence as a competitive edge (National Institute for Standards
and Technology, 2003).
(11) Statistical Quality Control is a set of specific statistical
techniques that can be used to monitor quality. Acceptance sampling involves sampling finished goods to ensure that
quality standards have been met. Acceptance sampling is effective only when the
correct percentage of products that should be tested (for example, 2, 5 or 25
percent) is determined.
All today’s managers need to
understand & appreciate the importance of Total Quality. Specially, they
need to understand the meaning of Quality as well as its importance. The
ingredients of Total Quality Management are important in both large and small
organizations today. Various TQM tools and Techniques are welcomed by Quality Managers.
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