Hey small business owners, let's enhance online channels. We provide a complete Wordpress Design service along with Logo, Onpage SEO.

- Homepage complete with Logo, with search bar, category dropdown (like eBay) with a link to All Categories. This page should list the most popular items, recently viewed items. There should be the option to Call To Action button sign in/sign up. If a user wants to sign up to use the service, then upon pressing the signup button, there should be a simple overlay box appear requesting name and email.
- Upon signing in the user should be presneted with another overlay box with two clear CTA's: one saying "Post an ad?" and the other saying "Browse Items". If a user selects the first, they are directed to the ad-upload page. If the user selects the second, they are directed back to the homepage.
- All Categories page. This lists all the categories that an item can be added to. A prettier version of ebay's All Categories page.
- Ad upload page with the following details:
- Category Dropdown box for the user to put item in the correct category
- Item description box
- Item photo’s
- Item weight
- Item postage costs
- Total Price
- Optional contact details, phone, email, location
- The option to add more items and save their progress
- At the end of the process the user will need to pay a certain amount (undecided as yet exactly how much but say $8) via paypal (thought should be put into scaleability, for example other methods of payment), so would need a box here that enables that. **IMPORTANT** This page must be as attractive and easily navigated as possible. This will be where I expect most people to drop out so it must be simple and easy and not overwhelming.
- Successful ad upload page or error if something went wrong
- A search listing page. So if someone searches for guitars then all the guitar ads appear.
- Individual item page. A page that shows all the relevant details (most of those as described in the Ad upload page)
- Link to buy via Paypal
- Confirmation page. If a user buys something, then once redirected back from Paypal they should see a confirmation page indicating they have purchased the item.
- Blog
Some of this functionality is present in some Wordpress themes such as http://themeforest.net/item/classiads-classified-ads-wordpress-theme/8625840
A lots of further functionality that you would like and this will become part of the ongoing WP development. There will also be various email template designs required etc.
Let's us know your choice!!

- Homepage complete with Logo, with search bar, category dropdown (like eBay) with a link to All Categories. This page should list the most popular items, recently viewed items. There should be the option to Call To Action button sign in/sign up. If a user wants to sign up to use the service, then upon pressing the signup button, there should be a simple overlay box appear requesting name and email.
- Upon signing in the user should be presneted with another overlay box with two clear CTA's: one saying "Post an ad?" and the other saying "Browse Items". If a user selects the first, they are directed to the ad-upload page. If the user selects the second, they are directed back to the homepage.
- All Categories page. This lists all the categories that an item can be added to. A prettier version of ebay's All Categories page.
- Ad upload page with the following details:
- Category Dropdown box for the user to put item in the correct category
- Item description box
- Item photo’s
- Item weight
- Item postage costs
- Total Price
- Optional contact details, phone, email, location
- The option to add more items and save their progress
- At the end of the process the user will need to pay a certain amount (undecided as yet exactly how much but say $8) via paypal (thought should be put into scaleability, for example other methods of payment), so would need a box here that enables that. **IMPORTANT** This page must be as attractive and easily navigated as possible. This will be where I expect most people to drop out so it must be simple and easy and not overwhelming.
- Successful ad upload page or error if something went wrong
- A search listing page. So if someone searches for guitars then all the guitar ads appear.
- Individual item page. A page that shows all the relevant details (most of those as described in the Ad upload page)
- Link to buy via Paypal
- Confirmation page. If a user buys something, then once redirected back from Paypal they should see a confirmation page indicating they have purchased the item.
- Blog
Some of this functionality is present in some Wordpress themes such as http://themeforest.net/item/classiads-classified-ads-wordpress-theme/8625840
A lots of further functionality that you would like and this will become part of the ongoing WP development. There will also be various email template designs required etc.
Email: pratulton@gmail.com
Skype: pratul.tonchangya
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